Sunday, December 21, 2003

Okay, two sites live, two to go. 2600 lines of CSS and my brain is full. I'm on coding hiatus until after the new year. I'll be entering some code snippets and other random things...I really should pop for the ten bucks a month, get a host with PHP and (x)SQL, and develop my own blogging software. Nahhhhhhhhh.

I will however, move all of my rants to a paid server, and a real host.

Here's a snippet of JS from one of my new sites.

Haha, I can't paste the cose so that it shows.....I know why as well. It's a safety feature. It prevents people from putting up mailicious code. Oh well.

BTW, I need a copy of NS 4.79 or thereabouts, so Email meif you have a copy..thanks!!

Don't forget to check out my brother's blog: Pure Bs. He's the real geek in the family. MSEE. He's a semi-conductor engineer. (and an egoist :))

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